Since its founding in 1995, the Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline has served more than 1.5 million people who have sought comfort and healing through prayer.

Meet the Prayerline

Answered Prayers

I wrote to you about three weeks ago requesting prayer for my sister-in-law. She was taken to the hospital with severe chest pains. They transferred her to another hospital where they found two blocked arteries in her heart. She didn't have to have open-heart surgery; the doctor gave her pills to take instead. When my sister got home, she also noticed her hip was better. She had been dragging her leg for several months. Also, she used to be in terrible pain when swallowing food. That also is better. When Jesus heals He certainly does miracles. Praise the Lord. God bless all of you. Thank you for your prayers.
— Dorothy, Massachusetts

"Hello," says Br. Paul Brandt, picking up a ringing phone. "This is Br. Paul. May I have your prayer intention?"

It's a question you hear emanating nearly non-stop from the rows of cubicles in the Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline's office, headquartered at the Marian Helpers Center here in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy.

The intercessors are grateful just knowing that they can serve others and be 'foot washers,' like Jesus did of old, and this is what they find most rewarding.

Who are the people who administer the Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline? Like Br. Paul, they are people who have responded to the call of God and who have been graced by the charism of intercessory prayer, so desperately needed at this time in our history.

The intercessors don't offer counseling. They listen. They pray with callers, and they pray for callers and those who send their petitions via mail or electronically. Then, the intercessors pray for each intention in Our Lady of Mercy Oratory, located adjacent to the ministry's office.

The intercessors pray for all intentions during their daily Holy Hour. The intentions are also remembered at two daily Masses, the 3 p.m. Hour of Great Mercy and in the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy.

Do you have a prayer request?

Nothing is too small or too great with our Lord.

We invite you to call us (1-800-804-3823), e-mail us ([email protected]), fill out our online form, or write us with your prayer intention.

Our mailing address is:
The Divine Mercy Prayerline
Marian Helpers Center
Stockbridge, MA 01263